The Mary Pinola & Crescenta Valley Chamber Education Fund
extends its thanks to the following individuals:
Julie Berg
Community Foundation of the Verdugos
Emily Loudermilk Boragine
Document Preparation
Robin Goldsworthy
Publisher and Editor
Crescenta Valley Weekly
Emily Parris Imperiale
Publicity Materials Creation
Tina Marie Ito
Chair of the Board of Directors
USC Verdugo Hills Hospital Foundation
Keck Medicine of USC
Edna Karinski
Chief Executive Officer
Community Foundation of the Verdugos
Charles D. Kenny
Outstanding Fund Supporter
Hee-Jae Park
Video Editing
Dr. Dan Parks
Website Creation
Charlie Plowman
Outlook News Group
Julie Shadpa
Director of Donor Programs and Strategic Outreach
USC Verdugo Hills Hospital Foundation
Keck Medicine of USC
Chris Waldheim
Publicity Support